

Kitchen Remodel
Posted on June 21, 2023 by baker-admin
Kitchen remodels make up the majority of all our remodel work. The reason is because kitchens offer a great ROI on the money you invest into them. Kitchen Remodels Broken Down into 3 Basic Packages Kitchen remodels can be broken down into three basic packages, Minor remodels, full remodels, and luxury remodels. We have listed what is typically included in these remodel packages so that you can better choose what remodel is right for your home. Read More...
10 Home Remodeling Tips
Posted on June 19, 2023 by baker-admin
Research the best materials for your home remodeling needs based on lifestyle and budget considerations When it comes to home remodeling, choosing the right materials is essential for achieving your desired look, function, and longevity. However, with so many options available on the market, it can be overwhelming to determine which ones fit your lifestyle and budget considerations. Read More...
large hailstone in Dallas Texas
Posted on June 14, 2023 by baker-admin
Living in an area that is prone to hailstorms, like Texas, is not an easy feat for homeowners. When the skies turn grey, and the winds pick up speed, the damage hail can cause to our homes is often something we have no control over. The one thing we can control is the preventative measures we take to ensure our homes are ready to weather any storm. In this blog post, Read More...
Posted on June 11, 2023 by baker-admin
Metal roofs comprise a wide range of roofing materials like standing seam, impressed metal roofing, stone-coated steel, r-panel, and corrugated roofing. Each metal roof has its unique benefits, faults, and, of course, price tags. Choosing a material for your metal roofing can be daunting with all these different metal roofing options. Never fear; we are here to simplify your choices with our Metal Roofing Buying Guide for 2022. Read More...
Roofing buying guide 2022
Posted on June 5, 2023 by baker-admin
How do you know when you need a new roof? When your roof is over ten years old, it is a good idea to start thinking about replacing it. Roofs in Texas tend to wear out much quicker for several reasons, including severe weather and UV ray degradation. It would be best if you had your roof inspected to check for damages. However, some roofs may last much longer. Another way to tell is if your roof requires repairs more often. Read More...
Kitchen Remodel Cabinets ready for countertops
Posted on May 22, 2023 by baker-admin
When it comes to remodeling or building a new kitchen, choosing the right countertop is one of the most important decisions you will have to make. Not only does it have to complement the overall aesthetic of your kitchen, but it should also be practical, durable, and easy to maintain. With so many available options, selecting the best countertop can be overwhelming. In this blog post, Read More...
old roof with severe wind damage
Posted on May 9, 2023 by baker-admin
Replacing your old roof is an investment that comes with numerous benefits for homeowners. But wait, I know what you are thinking; if it isn't broken, then why fix it? While that may make sense in some cases, your roof is not one. Leaving an old and deteriorated roof in place for too long can cause severe damage, including wind damage, roof leaks, and other costly repairs. In this blog, Read More...
how to patch a sheetrock hole
Posted on May 4, 2023 by baker-admin
If you have a hole in your sheetrock, don't worry! It's a quick and easy fix that you can do yourself. Here's what you'll need: Materials: Drywall compound (also called joint compound or mud) Piece of sheetrock larger than the hole or an appropriate drywall patch A 6" putty knife Sandpaper A clean cloth Texture tools for your texture A paint roller Instructions: 1. Clean the area. Read More...
Old Growth forest with naturally rot-resistant timber
Posted on April 3, 2023 by baker-admin
Choosing the right wood for your outdoor projects is essential if you want them to last. While all woods are susceptible to decay and rot, some are more resistant than others due to their higher levels of resistance against water and moisture. Here's a look at some of the best rot-resistant woods for your next project. What is Rot? Rot. It puts fear in the hearts of homeowners everywhere. Read More...
replacing decking when installing a new roof
Posted on March 28, 2023 by baker-admin
Installing a new roof is a big job that requires careful planning and execution. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get the job done right: 1. Prepare Your Home Before replacing your roof, make sure that your house is prepared first. Remove any heavy items like furniture, window treatments, etc., and then cover the ground with tarps or plastic sheeting to protect it during the construction process. 2. Read More...